pictographic a. 象形文字的 象形文字的 pictographic adj 1: consisting of or characterized by the use of pictographs; " a pictographic script"; " pictographic stage in the development of writing" Pictograph \ Pic" to* graph\, n. [ See { Picture}, and {- graph}.] A picture or hieroglyph representing and expressing an idea. -- { Pic` to* graph" ic}, a. [ 1913 Webster] 43 Moby Thesaurus words for " pictographic": abecedarian, allographic, alphabetic, apish, capital, delineatory, depictive, echoic, embodying, figurative, graphemic, graphic, ideographic, illustrational, illustrative, imitative, incarnating, lettered, lexigraphic, limning, literal, logogrammatic, logographic, lower- case, majuscule, mimetic, mimish, minuscular, minuscule, onomatopoeic, personifying, pictorial, portraying, representational, representative, representing, simulative, symbolizing, transliterated, typifying, uncial, upper- case, vivid