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must    音标拼音: [m'ʌst]
n. 必须,未发酵葡萄汁,绝对必要的事物
v. aux.必须



adj 1: highly recommended; "a book that is must reading"
n 1: a necessary or essential thing; "seat belts are an absolute
2: grape juice before or during fermentation
3: the quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy
[synonym: {mustiness}, {must}, {moldiness}]

Must \Must\, n. [AS. must, fr. L. mustum (sc. vinum), from
mustus young, new, fresh. Cf. {Mustard}.]
1. The expressed juice of the grape, or other fruit, before
fermentation. "These men ben full of must." --Wyclif (Acts
ii. 13.).
[1913 Webster]

No fermenting must fills . . . the deep vats.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Cf. {Musty}.] Mustiness.
[1913 Webster]

Must \Must\ (m[u^]st), v. i. or auxiliary. [OE. moste, a pret.
generally meaning, could, was free to, pres. mot, moot, AS.
m[=o]ste, pret. m[=o]t, pres.; akin to D. moetan to be
obliged, OS. m[=o]tan to be free, to be obliged, OHG. muozan,
G. m["u]ssen to be obliged, Sw. m[*a]ste must, Goth.
gam[=o]tan to have place, have room, to able; of unknown
1. To be obliged; to be necessitated; -- expressing either
physical or moral necessity; as, a man must eat for
nourishment; we must submit to the laws.
[1913 Webster]

2. To be morally required; to be necessary or essential to a
certain quality, character, end, or result; as, he must
reconsider the matter; he must have been insane.
[1913 Webster]

Likewise must the deacons be grave. --1 Tim. iii.
[1913 Webster]

Morover, he [a bishop] must have a good report of
them which are without. --1 Tim. iii.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The principal verb, if easily supplied by the mind, was
formerly often omitted when must was used; as, I must
away. "I must to Coventry." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Must \Must\, v. t. & i.
To make musty; to become musty.
[1913 Webster] must

must \must\, musth \musth\(m[u^]st), a. [Hind. mast intoxicated,
ruttish, fr. Skr. matta, p.p. of mad to rejoice, intoxicate.]
Being in a condition of dangerous frenzy, usually connected
with sexual excitement; -- said of adult male elephants which
become so at irregular intervals, typicaly due to increased
testosterone levels. -- n.
(a) The condition of frenzy.
(b) An elephant in must.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. PJC]

163 Moby Thesaurus words for "must":
absolute, allegiance, assigned task, bare necessities, be forced,
be in for, be necessary, be obliged, binding, blast, blight,
bounden duty, burden, burning, business, call for, call of duty,
cancer, canker, cannot do otherwise, cannot help but, charge,
commitment, committal, compulsory, conclusive, condition,
de rigueur, decisive, deference, demand, demand for, demi-sec,
desideration, desideratum, devoir, devotion, dictated,
domestic wine, dry rot, duties and responsibilities, duty,
entailed, essential, essentials, estral, estrous, estrual, ethics,
extra sec, fealty, fetidity, fetidness, final, foulness, frowst,
frowstiness, frowziness, fungus, funkiness, fustiness,
hard-and-fast, have, have got to, have need to, have to, homage,
hot, imperative, imperious, imported wine, imposed, in heat,
in must, in rut, indispensable, irrevocable, light wine,
line of duty, loyalty, malodorousness, mandated, mandatory, mildew,
mission, mold, moldiness, moth, moth and rust, must item,
mustiness, musty, necessaries, necessary, necessities, necessity,
need, need for, need to, needs must, new wine, noisomeness,
nonvintage wine, obligation, obligatory, occasion, odorousness,
offensiveness, onus, ought, ought to, peremptory, pest, pink wine,
place, prerequirement, prerequisite, prescript, prescriptive,
putridness, rancidity, rancidness, rankness, reastiness, red wine,
repulsiveness, required, requirement, requisite, requisition,
respect, right, rose wine, rot, rottenness, rust, rutting, ruttish,
rutty, sec, self-imposed duty, should, sine qua non, smelliness,
smooth wine, smut, sparkling wine, still wine, stinkingness,
stuffiness, sweet wine, the necessary, the needful, thin wine,
ultimate, vin, vino, vintage wine, want, white wine, wine,
without appeal, worm

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